
Original Series Reloaded: Discovering Balance

Original Series Reloaded: Discovering Balance | Workshop
Holistic Wellness Services
wellness workshops

About this Service

"In one of my original workshops, I take you through the importance of time and emotion management. I highlight the importance of finding this balance, so you can give yourself the time you need to succeed and destress. I reflect on my 2nd year in McMaster, where adversity pushed me to grow as an athlete and a student - it was arguably one of my toughest years as a student. Instead of cracking under the stress, I finished the year with an honour roll average and a league leader in Offensive Rebounds in the province. I share the lessons and strategies I continually use, to give you the foundation to handle all of your tasks with organization and vim!" 

(Kwasi Adu-Poku)

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Are you ready to kickstart your journey to holistic wellness and personal development, then contact me today to get started.

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