Jun 26, 2023

What is Fleeting Dreams?

What's good?! That's the awkward way I usually introduce myself online. You may get used to it - but I feel just as uncomfortable every...

What's good?!

That's the awkward way I usually introduce myself online. You may get used to it - but I feel just as uncomfortable every time.

My name's Kwasi Adu-Poku, and I'm the founder of The Reach Series. My platform is all about helping people remember their potential, and that's kind of how I came up with this blog.

I don't know about you, but I'm the type of person who can't stop thinking of ideas.

Even when I want to relax, my mind just can't seem to stop racing.

Picture Jimmy Neutron, but instead of shouting "Brain Blast!" as you're mid-sentence mad impolitely, I quietly write an idea on my iPhone. Oh yeah, and black (proud of it too!). Ghanaian-Canadian to be specific.

Anyways, I believe we all have ideas. We all have dreams that pass in and out of our minds on a regular. In this blog, I want to share reminders not to let these dreams pass you by.

They may be fleeting, but the least you can do is keep track of them. There's power in remembering what lights a fire in you.

I'm not going to constantly post on here all about some "you can do anything you set your mind to!". I would be lying to you and myself if I said I was like that all the time.

I want to talk about the windows of reflection and recollection that often escape us as life gets busy. In short ways too (between 30 seconds & 2 minutes I hope - because your time is everything!).

There are lessons to be learned, funny moments to be shared, and bare opportunities to grow from. And just like I've been doing on my platform, I'll try my best to share useful resources and tips for you too (mental health, academic/career success, financial literacy, personal development etc.).

I'll also reflect on childhood - a lot. Because I think there's always something to be unpacked there (big and small).

Through this writing journey, we'll also have more chances to grow together. I know some lines may be weak, but I'll keep trying to get better each time. And as I improve, you'll continue to see better framed windows to reflect on your life too (see I know that was worded mad awkwardly, but we're gonna work on that).

So I hope you'll stay tuned as I reflect on the world around me, while reminding you not to let your fleeting dreams pass you by.

If you think this'll resonate with someone, let 'em know

|| Kwasi Adu-Poku

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