Jun 26, 2023

Don't stop doing "that thing"

You know what I'm talking about - and if you don't I'll explain. That thing can mean a lot of things. It's probably one of the most...

You know what I'm talking about - and if you don't I'll explain.

That thing can mean a lot of things. It's probably one of the most generic pair of words you can combine. But I'll tell you what I mean.

I mean that thing that used to make you smile.

I mean that thing you used to enjoy doing, but can't seem to make time for.

I mean that thing that reminds you who you are.

I'm saying this in the largest or smallest sense.

For me, I recently found out that thing was making extra time for video games. It was one of my biggest sources of fun growing up, but I stopped making time for it as I got older.

I couldn't explain it, but I felt a sense of joy return as I dove back into my controller. I didn't realize I got so wrapped up in building my future, that I forgot a big thing I enjoyed doing in the present.

That's why I'm encouraging you to reflect on what that thing is for you. Ask yourself how you can make more time for it. It can be more than one thing, but just start with one for now.

There are many places we're trying to get to, but a lot of things to remember along the journey. And that thing is one of them.

You'll thank yourself when you get to the top.

So if any of you want the work in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, you know where to find me.

If you think this'll resonate with someone, let 'em know

|| Kwasi Adu-Poku

P.S. I'm not saying to neglect your responsibilities. I'm just saying to make time for things you enjoy as you take care of business!

P.P.S., wow I said the word thing a lot, but I think it got the point across!

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