3 tips to find your voice as a speaker

Whether we believe it or not, there is a public speaker in all of us. It's just a matter of finding your voice. Here are 3 tips to help you find it!

Some people say I’m quieter than they’d expect a public speaker to be. A speaker doesn’t need to be loud, but they need to find ways to make others feel heard. Here are 3 tips to find your voice as a speaker.

 Recognize what feels cringe to you.

You ever say something and immediately think “why did I say that”? These moments help you develop as a speaker (and your ability to articulate yourself in general). You slowly start to realize what ways of speaking feel authentic to you, and the result is an audience that you can connect with a bit more naturally. As you speak to what comes naturally to you, you may naturally see an audience that resonates with you more.

Identify your position. 

It helps establish more comfort and trust with your audience. When I speak about financial literacy for example, I don’t try to act like people in those YouTube ads with 3 Teslas in the background. I speak like a recent grad who knew what it was like to eat hotdogs for lunch and dinner to afford your student housing rent (some of you know those ones). When your point is made more relatable, it’s easier for the audience to connect with you. They can see themselves in you, and ultimately see your message more clearly.

Read the room.

The goal of public speaking shouldn’t be about what you say, but about how your message will be received by the audience. Banter throughout the presentation, checking in with an audience, knowing when to speed through, and knowing when to simplify are all examples of how to get your messages across effectively. This takes time and reflection to refine, but I’ve seen that the best public speakers connect with audiences far beyond the words they say.

I make these reflections after having hosted or been a part of 60+ speaking events and workshops on various topics that relate to personal, business, and career development. If you want to look into bringing me in for a speaking engagement or workshop based on my speaking topics or insights, feel free to explore my website and contact me.

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